Christ Is Proclaimed, In That I Rejoice: Prioritizing the Advance of the Gospel

Brian Mahon - 9/8/2019


Text: Philippians 1:12-18


Questions to Consider:

  1. In verse 12, Paul wants them to know something. By implication, there's something they didn't know. What didn't they know? Think, why does this reflect well upon this partnering church? Hint: are we more pragmatic or biblically-rooted in our support of the Gospel?
  2. In verses 13-14, Paul reveals a great irony. He's in chains and, yet, the Gospel spreads. What the enemy means for evil, God means for good. In what two ways does Paul's exemplary, evangelistic outlook on suffering serve to advance the Gospel?
  3. In verses 15-17, Paul addresses two types of preachers (or more generally, sharers of the Gospel) that have cropped up in his absence. How does he describe one over against the other? What portrait does he give?
  4. In verse 18a, without saying motive doesn't matter, he still relativizes motive in favor of what? What is Paul's main concern? What is the root of his joy?
  5. Related to question 4, is that the root of our joy? Is that our main concern? Or do we tend to care more about ourselves? Are we a people who major on the proclamation of Christ? And what might that look like?
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