Growing By A Christ-Centered, Gospel-Laced Benediction: Greeting, Hoping, and Enduring in the Grace of Jesus

Brian Mahon - 1/19/2020


Call to worship: Psalm 16

Text: Philippians 4:21-23

Brain finished out the book of Philippians on a strong note. Philippians 4:21-23 is a small passage, but brings the whole together powerfully.


Questions to Consider:

  1. In 4:21-22a, Paul implicitly reminds this church about the injunction to 'stick together,' to love and welcome and rally around one another. Have you considered the importance of our warmth and hospitality towards one another—indeed, towards all the saints? How is it related to the Gospel? Go back and consider 1:27-2:11.
  2. According to Philippians, what does Christian hospitality look like? What might it look like at TMC? What are you contributing to that culture of grace and impartial welcoming amongst the saints? What difference does it make that Paul calls those that we're to greet 'saints'? What's the added 'oomph' behind 'in Christ Jesus'? Are we more or less welcoming towards those to whom we're bound by blood? What then of the blood of Christ?
  3. In 4:22b, Paul mentions something truly astounding—the Gospel has reached even into Caesar's household and saved some! How might that encourage this particular congregation? How does the Holy Spirit mean it to encourage us? Is there any person beyond the saving reach of God? Are we believing that practically by prayerfully sharing the Gospel with any and all?
  4. In 4:23, Paul closes with a word of grace to the church. He means that, as he's experienced, Jesus will be with us to uphold us and hold us together as we seek to live faithfully and joyfully for Him and His Gospel. How has Paul conveyed a sense of that grace in this letter? In other words, it's a grace that's tied to truth. As we sit on truth, we're cushioned by grace. It really attends to us. What are some of the means of grace in Philippians? Do we regularly thank Jesus that He holds us fast, knowing that, without His attending grace, we're surely fall away within the hour? Praise Him even now!
  5. Think back on the past few months in this letter. How might you summarize it? What truths has God impressed most powerfully upon you? How has it meant to change your heart, outlook, life, and participation in the mission of the church?
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