Born to Bear Witness to the Truth

Brian Mahon - 12/1/2019


Text: John 18:33-38a

Brian starts off the advent season with a message from the book of John, specifically John 18:33-38a.


Questions to Consider:

  1. In verses 33-34, why might Jesus want to clarify the reason for Pilate's inquiry? Consider what Pilate might think of Jesus if he's merely applying the false understanding and charge of the Jewish religious leadership (see 18:30, 19:7-15).
  2. In verse 35, how does Pilate essentially answer Jesus's question? Does he have personal interest in Jesus? Should he take a personal interest in Jesus? Are the circumstances surrounding Jesus bigger than the nation of Israel? What of Rome? Consider John 1:29, 3:16, 8:12, 12:32, 47, 14:6.
  3. In verse 36, Jesus seeks to answer Pilate in a way that would affirm His Kingship and, yet, show He poses no rebellious threat to Rome. What does Jesus say about His Kingdom? What sets His Kingdom apart from those of this world? If they're established in the deaths of opponents, what of Christ's Kingdom? How is it to be established? Consider 18:10-11.
  4. In verse 37, Pilate remains dim. To clarify further, Jesus speaks to the purpose of His birth, even the mission of His incarnation (1:14). He implies an existence prior to His coming into the world!! Why did He come into the world? What does this say about the condition and need of humanity? If we are all born 'of the lie' (Genesis 3:1-7), how is it that any become 'of the truth' (Jn 1:12-13)? What marks all who are 'of the truth'?
  5. In verse 38a, Pilate offers his famous words, 'what is truth?' What does that reveal about Pilate? Is he 'of the truth'? If you are of the truth, are you appropriately rejoicing in God's grace in your heart? This Advent season, focus again on the mercy of the new birth, the plight of the lost, the hope of the Gospel, and the call to follow Jesus, particularly in bearing witness to the truth we've been brought, by His Light, to believe.
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