Walk as Lovers of the Cross of Christ: Standing Firm in Him as We Make Our Way Home

Brian Mahon - 11/24/2019


Text: Philippians 3:17-4:1

Brian continues in Philippians, vv. 3:17 - 4:1


Questions to Consider:

  1. In verse 17, Paul, anticipating verse 18, calls us to walk increasingly as lovers of the cross of Christ. What might we make of his emphasis on walking, as opposed to merely talking? What are the two ingredients he gives for the growth he seeks? If you added these to what we studied in 3:10-16, what are the 'actions' Paul employs for our sanctification? There are at least a half-dozen!
  2. In verses 18-19, to motivate this cross-centered walk, Paul discloses a tearful, however dangerous, reality that he finds even in the church. What is it? What marks these 'enemies of the cross of Christ'?
  3. In verses 20-21, Paul offers a second motivation, something the Christian sees that these others do not. It's why we cling to cross instead of shun it. It's a truly indispensable reminder. What is it?
  4. In 4:1, Paul gives an additional instruction for this walk in light of the two reasons he gives for keeping to it. What's that instruction? With what sort of language does Paul enclose it? How does our future resurrection validate every step we take in Christ, however hard or seemingly unnoticed? How does standing firm relate to walking forward? What does it mean to stand firm 'in the Lord'?
  5. Note that Paul begins the chapter with 'rejoice in the Lord,' and closes it with 'stand firm in the Lord.' How are these exhortations related? Are you making progress in Christ? Are standing firm in Him? Is your joy being secured in Him? To help, read and meditate on the entirety of the chapter. Let it's contours and beauties lead you to the surpassing worth of Him Who is more than worthy of all your life.
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