Stand Firm: Dressed and Ready for the Day of Battle

George Marshall - 8/11/2024


Call to worship: Psalm 46:1-11

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20


Paul encourages the Ephesian church to find their strength and refuge in God. The Christian life is not one of ease, the peace to be found not as this world knows. There is a real enemy. There is a battle going on all around us, and we are instructed so that we might be ready. So are we? Are we mired in the cares of the world, or are we ready for the call of our captain? Are truth, righteousness, gospel-readiness, faith, salvation, the word of God, and prayer the hallmarks of our lives? Have we taken a defensive stance, or an offensive one?

Sermon Outline:

Sermon Outline

  1. The strength of the opposition (6:11-13,16)
  2. Heavenly provision for said opposition
    • Equipping the saints for battle (6:10,13-18)
    • Uniting the saints for battle (6:18-20)


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Ephesians 6:10-20.
  2. Take this opportunity to recount how you have seen God at work mightily, whether in your own walk, or in the building up of the church (10). What do you see that is especially encouraging at the Mount? What are areas in your life that you struggle to trust God? How does regular meditation on God's attributes (like his authority, might, providence, holiness, love) encourage us to be alert, to persevere (18)? What patterns or habits could you put in place to better rely on His strength?
  3. What does Paul mean saying that "we do now wrestle against flesh and blood" (12)? Does this mean that we should expect no human opposition to the gospel? How does the posture/attitude Paul is encouraging affect our daily lives as believers? If you are a parent, how should the reality of a spiritual "combat zone" affect your care for your children? Is the experience of spiritual warfare only expected for certain Christians, or is it a "normative" experience? What patterns do you see behind temptation and sin in your life? Are there things you can do resist temptation and kill sin's influence?
  4. Consider the armor, clothing and weapons afforded believers by the Spirit (13-18). Paul's command is to "take up", to "put on". How do we dress ourselves with the belt of truth (for instance)? How is "righteousness" a breastplate for the disciple of Christ? What does it mean for the word of God to be a "sword"? Is there a particular article of clothing that you have left "back at camp"? How does a deficit in one of these areas affect our ability to stand firm under the strain of spiritual battle? How are these armaments related to spiritual disciplines?
  5. Think through your private devotions. How is your practice of prayer (18-20)? How are private devotions preparing you for corporate devotion? How does prayer impact 1) personal growth in holiness, 2) health and effectiveness of the ministry of the local church, and 3) the advance of the global mission of Christ?

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