Prove It: On Beauty That Bears Witness

George Marshall II - 6/23/2024


Call to worship: Philippians 2:1-11

Text: James 3:13-18


James sets two paths, two ways of living, before his readers. One is characterized by humility, gentleness, a yielding spirit, peace. The other is full of jealousy and self promotion. Only one gives off the scent of heaven. Only one has a lasting beauty.

Sermon Outline:

  1. Show me something beautiful (v.13)
  2. A canvas in disarray (vv.14-16)
  3. The gospel made visible (vv.17-18)


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read James 3:13-18.
  2. What does the expression "the meekness of wisdom" (3:13) mean? What is James' primary focus in this passage? How is this passage related to the discussion of 3:1-12? Is meekness a virtue? How can the world's view of virtue affect our understanding of humility?
  3. What is biblical widom? What does James contrast with "good conduct" (3:14, 16)? How does this conflict with a biblical understanding of wisdom?
  4. What sources for "wisdom" does James point out in verse 15? How do these sources contribute to a climate of envy and self-promotion? Where do you see envy at work in your heart? In light of our upcoming celebration of the Lord's Supper, consider your relationships with those at the Mount.
  5. How is James' description of the "wisdom from above" comforting (3:17-18)? What other passages of Scripture do these verses bring to mind? How is the Spirit involved in developing these characteristics in your life? What orderliness or pattern do you see in James' description?

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