God's Promise to the Serpent

Brian Mahon - 12/11/2022


Call to worship: Isaiah 12:2-6 and Hebrews 12:1-3, Philippians 4:4 (Advent reading on Joy, with prayer)

Text: Genesis 3:1-15


These verses recount the Fall of Man - and the Redemption of Eve's offspring by one of her children in particular. The serpent starts a war against God, His Word, and His family that he was never able to finish. Despite his advances, and the ruin he's wrought amongst us in this world, the 'walking' God maintains His sovereignty and ushers a promise to the serpent (and to humanity): God will finish what the serpent began. There is a Christ, even the Son of God, Who, by way of His suffering for us, will flatten the devil's head and secure our salvation in all its parts. Jesus undoes what Satan enticed Adam to do. He reverses the curse upon us due to our sins.

Sermon Outline:

  1. The ruinous rival. (3:1-6)
  2. Our rivalrous ruin. (3:7-13)
  3. God's great Redeemer. (3:14-15)


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Genesis 3:1-15.
  2. In Genesis 3:1-6, in what ways does the serpent attack God's very good designs? How does he engender an affront against God? Against God's Word? Against God's first family? What do you discern to be the progress of his persuasion? What is the first temptation, ultimately? What was Adam supposed to do? What were they supposed to do? What did Adam and his wife do?
  3. In Genesis 3:7-13, we learn of the results of our first parents' sin. What was their first inclination? How did they respond to God's presence? How did they answer God's line of questioning? Did God question them for His or for their benefit? Why would it be of benefit to them? How did they seek to spare themselves? How does God approach and interact with them?
  4. In Genesis 3:14-15, the Lord curses the serpent first of all. Why? And in whose hearing? What does God say to the animal? What does God say to the Serpent in the serpent?
  5. In Genesis 3:15, what do you make of the combative imagery? Is fallen humanity left without hope? Who are the children of the woman? Who is the He Who will bruise the serpent's head to His own injury? What will be the result of His victory as it relates to Satan, sin, and humanity? Where else do you find serpent-Crusher imagery in the Bible?
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