Strength and Courage in the Presence of God

Nathan Johnson - 6/14/2020


Call to worship: Isaiah 62

Text: Joshua 1:1-9

Sermon Outline:

  1. The overwhelming task: Joshua’s and Yours
  2. The overcoming means: The Presence and the Word
  3. The overarching story: The Greater Joshua


Questions and Contemplations:

  1. In Joshua 1:1-9 God’s commissions Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land of Canaan. What are the tasks of the commission (1-4)? What factors make these tasks overwhelming, humanly speaking? What has God commissioned Christians/the church to do? Do we recognize these as equally overwhelming, humanly speaking?
  2. Verses 5-9 command Joshua to perform his commission with strength and courage (x3). What is the basis/assurance given to Joshua enabling him to be strong and very courageous? Why does God so emphasize the Book of the Law (Gen-Deut, more than the 10 Commandments) for Joshua’s commission? Recall that “the Law” also has in mind the Gospel trajectory of Gen. 3:15. How are God’s presence and Word vital to the Christian commission? (cf. Mat 28:16-20; Heb. 3:15)? (Note the parallelism to this passage in the “Great Commission.”) Are we a “strong and very courageous” people in our commission? Our God is with us!
  3. How is Joshua a “type” of Christ? In other words, how does Joshua’s life and ministry point forward to Jesus’ life and ministry? What is the significant difference between the two (esp. 5b, 9b)? May we rejoice with Joshua that we are “never forsaken”—bought by Christ being forsaken.
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