The God of All Grace Cares For You: Kind Helps for Keeping to the High King's Highway

Brian Mahon - 5/30/2021


Call to worship: Isaiah 40:28-31

Text: 1 Peter 5:6-11

Sermon Outline:

  1. Cast your anxieties on Him---because God cares for you, 5:6-7.
  2. Resist the devil---as one of God's many soldiers, 5:8-9.
  3. Endure to the end---for the God of all grace will deliver on eternal glory, 5:10-11.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Read 1 Peter 5:6-11. As you read it, what's the general thought being communicated?
  2. How does 5:6-7 tie to 5:5? What does putting ourselves under the hand of God have to do with humility? If prayer is an expression of humility, what does anxiety express? What encouragement does Peter give to humility and prayer amid trial?
  3. To what does Peter call us in 5:8-9? Does prayer have anything to do with spiritual warfare? Who is the adversary here? As in Job, can he serve God's ultimate purpose? How do we resist the devil? What encouragement does Peter give to fight the good fight of faith?
  4. In 5:10, what encouragement does Peter give to enduring in the Christian life? It is a verse full of grace to hold us fast and bring us through---can you list the truths Peter uses to do this? Will the Christian fall short of glory?
  5. In 5:11, Peter gives his benediction to the whole letter. How is it also meant as an encouragement for the Christian life construed, as it is, as a battle against opposing lords and kings? To Whom does dominion actually belong? How is that a comfort for us? Is that showing in our lives by how and for Whom we fight?
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